Friday, July 29, 2011

Training - Week Six

I am nearly too embarrassed to post an update this week, especially after the bravado of my last post. The one where I openly mocked discouragement and misfortune and, yes, talked a little smack.

I hate to admit that, despite my grand intentions to be awesome, discouragement kicked my butt this week. Hard.

Which isn't to say that my swagger wasn't genuine. But life intervenes and I am nothing if not highly susceptible to the wild fluctuations of my own emotions.

I suppose it was apropos that I happened to attend a meeting at work this week that included a presentation on stress (I was there for the free breakfast tacos.) The chipper and Holly-from-The-Office-esque speaker provided us with a handout of common symptoms of stress - physical, emotional, behavioral, social, etc. I had to laugh at how very many symptoms I have. (Laughter is a great stress reliever, by the way.)

I do realize that at some point, and soon, I do need to move beyond just writing about training to ACTUALLY TRAINING.

That little countdown thingy at the top of the page is starting to stress me out.

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps the little lady on the countdown "thingy" should have flaming hair to more adequately portray you in your current state. Just a thought. Your loving commiserator. Yes, it's now a word.
